Of course, brands need to be useful – solve peoples problems – but should digital marketing be useful too? We think so – we’re fans of branded utility – marketing designed to serve and support people rather than merely...
Here’s a great digital innovation from Tokyo cocktail bar Logbar, a tablet-based interactive cocktail menu – browse, customise or even create your own cocktail (selecting glass, alcoholic ingredients, mixers and adornments) from the...
Here’s a speed summary of GigaOM‘s latest report on $290bn Internet of Things (IoT) market, and the emerging digital innovation opportunities for the next generation Internet that connects not only pages, people and PCs – but also...
There are just two basic strategies in digital innovation in marketing – ‘help me‘ or ‘entertain me‘. Unfortunately, most digital marketing still falls somewhere else entirely, into a futile ‘interrupt me’...
McKinsey has released a report on the digital consumer, enumerating the six key mega-trends in consumer digital behavior, and the impact that they are having for brands and businesses. The report, entitled iConsumer: Digital Consumers Altering the...
Hey Louis Vuitton! Forget Michelle Williams, the face that you’ve just paid big bucks to be the new face of your iconic luggage – take a look at Tile app instead. Sure, celebrity-endorsed print advertising in glossy mags is a tried and...
Okay, so ‘thigh advertising’ is the new news in the mad bad world of advertising (see video below). Girls selling thigh space for $65 a day, in return for which they add a temporary branded tattoo to their thighs, and agree to flash...
Here’s a smart digital innovation from Pepsi (TBWA Belgium) that’s upped the ante in the ongoing Vending Machine Wars between Pepsi and Coke. Although Coke is currently ahead with 10M+ views on YouTube for the Coke Zero/James Bond...
Social Commerce Today is rebranding today to reflect a broader focus on innovation in digital marketing. For three years, SCT has been flying the flag for a vision of social commerce that is more about marketing than sales; using social technology...