digitalwellbeing.orgHow to thrive in our hyper-connected world

Digital Innovation Today – Social Commerce and Beyond

Social Commerce Today is rebranding today to reflect a broader focus on innovation in digital marketing. For three years, SCT has been flying the flag for a vision of social commerce that is more about marketing than sales; using social technology to deliver customer value by helping people shop smarter with their social intelligence.  Social technology is a cornerstone of smart digital marketing, but today other cornerstones are emerging – new and exciting ways to deliver value digitally through Big Data, Post-PC devices, the Internet of Things and other digital innovations.

As the world moves to a new Post-PC era and digital technology is set free from the PC screen, Digital Innovation Today will cover new Post-PC digital marketing innovations, including social commerce, designed to deliver customer value. Interruptive advertising was the wrong idea to bring to the PC screen; in our post-PC world, it is not even wrong.  It is just redundant.  So how can marketers use digital technology to deliver genuine value, improve peoples lives and critically, in doing so, extract more margin for their brands, products and services?  These are the questions that Digital Innovation Today will answer, with inspiration, insight and attitude.

Our goal for Digital Innovation Today is to become a marketer’s survival guide for the Post-PC era – a world in which we are judged on the value we deliver digitally, not the volume of people we interrupt.

Written by
Dr Paul Marsden
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  • Interruptive advertising and even inferred contextual advertising are not want useres want. We are entering a new Paradigm for how people are connected with Merchants and Brands. I look forward to reading your posts

Digital wellbeing covers the latest scientific research on the impact of digital technology on human wellbeing. Curated by psychologist Dr. Paul Marsden (@marsattacks). Sponsored by WPP agency SYZYGY.