digitalwellbeing.orgHow to thrive in our hyper-connected world

Dr Paul Marsden

Chartered psychologist specialising in consumer behaviour, wellbeing and technology. University lecturer at UAL and consultant consumer psychologist with Brand Genetics.

Twangü / GroupBuy App on Facebook

Twangü, derived from the Chinese word “tuangou” for team buying, is a GroupBuy social commerce app on Facebook that allows people to shop as a team (and get discounts from vendors bidding for their business). Think Mobshop and Mercata...

KangoGift / Mobile Gifting

So it’s a new spin on social commerce, KangoGift from Cambridge (MA) has just launched a mobile gifting service… Buy a gift online, add the recipients mobile number – and they get a nice surprise by phone – an SMS mobile...

Coremetrics White Paper on Social Media Analytics

Whitepaper from the leading web metrics agency Coremetrics on social media analytics/metrics. In summary: Social Media Marketing: A growing share of a growing market (share of interactive marketing spend to increase from 2.7% (2009) to 5.6% by 2014...

OgilvyOne on Social CRM (sCRM)

Social CRM (sCRM) has been gaining traction recently, combining social media tools with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programs as a solution to better drive customer and business value. And now “one-to-one” marketing agency...

McKinsey on Marketing on the Social Web

An interesting article in the McKinsey Quarterly on Marketing in Web 2.0 (social web). Bottom line, the social web is a SEO tool to drive traffic to your website (good example of GSK’s Ally). Article archived here. McKinsey also continues to...

Social Megaphone / Reviews go Viral?

Nice post from Olivia Hayes over at Ignite Social Media, musing on the potential for PowerReview‘s soon-to-be-launched social commerce tool called BrandConnect- a white label customer reviews tool that allows merchants and brands to a) collect...

Digital wellbeing covers the latest scientific research on the impact of digital technology on human wellbeing. Curated by psychologist Dr. Paul Marsden (@marsattacks). Sponsored by WPP agency SYZYGY.