Google’s “focus mode” for Android phones is coming out of beta testing and will be rolled out to devices running Android 9 and 10. Designed to reduce digital distraction, this new focus mode is possibly the most useful and evidence-backed digital wellbeing feature to date.
Focus mode is a simple feature that allows you to toggle off (silence) apps when you want to focus on what you’re doing. It’s accessed via the digital wellbeing app (and hidden in a submenu called “ways to disconnect”), which allows you to set apps you want to toggle off when you want to focus. In focus mode, the apps that you have selected appear greyed out on your phone, and their activity is silenced.
What’s interesting about focus mode (in comparison to other digital wellbeing features) is that focus mode builds on a leading theory of digital wellbeing – how digital technology can affect our personal wellbeing.
This theory is called the ‘displacement effect‘ (or “displacement hypothesis:) and is based on the idea that screentime can distract you from and displace activities known to be good for you and your wellbeing (such as nurturing relationships, pursuing our goals, looking after our body and getting good sleep).
In other words, it’s not that screentime is inherently bad for you, but that is may displace or replace activities known to be food for you.
Although the size, significance or reality of the displacement effect are all contested (as are all theories and associated evidence regarding the potential effect of digital technology on wellbeing), the displacement effect draws on an established and well-investigated model of media effects (e.g. Robert Putman’s ‘bowling alone‘ theory).
In sum, by helping you focus on who and what matters to you, Google’s focus mode has the potential to reduce digital distraction and the displacement effect.
If focus mode evolves to become a more prominent home screen-option, and the displacement effect is validated, then Google’s focus mode could have a significant impact on the wellbeing of millions of people.

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This is good. A lot of people have become or are becoming too dependant on tech. People can’t go a day without checking on their insta and Facebook. They should be fun, they shouldn’t be the only thing you do or the reason for your happiness or sadness. Taking a break isn’t easy but hopefully, more of this sort of stuff will help us step back into the real world and connect in person again. A lot of us now do depend on some apps and other things to do our jobs so we can’t afford to stay away from our tech for long but limiting what we have access to and taking control sounds like a really good way of adjusting. Good job people at Google responsible for this, it looks like a really useful step in the right direction.
Thanks for your article.
I concur entirely! The Focus Mode on Android is a fantastic feature for encouraging digital well-being. It enables users to momentarily pause particular applications or messages that can draw their attention away from crucial jobs or activities. In order to maintain a good balance between technology and real life, it is vital to enhance productivity and decrease screen time.
Google’s focus mode may have a big effect on the wellness of millions of people if it develops into a more prominent home screen option and the displacement effect is proven. Thanks for sharing
You can set your sleeping hours and pick a relaxing soundscape to clear your mind.
Google’s “Focus Mode” is a promising step towards improving digital wellbeing by minimizing distractions. By allowing users to silence specific apps, it helps mitigate the displacement effect—where screen time displaces more beneficial activities. As this feature rolls out more widely, it could significantly enhance personal productivity and overall wellbeing by encouraging more mindful technology use. If it becomes a more accessible option on the home screen, its impact could be even more substantial.
Thank you for providing that information. It is great!