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Why Jennifer Lopez’ new social commerce venture for Latinos is smart…

Jennifer Lopez is launching a new social commerce venture – Viva Movil – a new mobile service for US Latinos – with their $1.2 trillion spending power (16% of US population and set to double by 2050).

The ‘social’ piece of the J. Lo fronted commercial venture comes in two parts;

  1. Viva Movil members will be able to share data – and pretty much everything else on their plans
  2. The Viva Movil site (also accessible via Facebook) will feature social recommendations and social shopping (shop-with-friends) functionality.

As part of an omni-channel experience (15 bricks and mortar stores are planned for cities with large Latino populations, the first will open on June 15), all Viva Movil staff will be bilingual.

The Viva Movil venture is essentially a rebadging of Verizon – the network, devices and plans sold by Viva Movil are those of Verizon, but Viva Movil will also sell fashion accessories inspired by Lopez, co-founder and chief creative officer. In essence, the J. Lo brand is becoming a premium Verizon retailer.

Nevertheless, and personal bias aside (Jo Lo – a fellow Miami resident and ex-neighbour), we think Viva Movil is smart social commerce, targeting an underserved market who over-represent on smartphone ownership (75% vs 63% national average) in a category that is naturally social.  Using celebrity and special edition J. Lo accessories will give the mobile brand extra word of mouth spice to drive awareness and demand in social media.

Verizon Wireless - Cellphones, Plans & Accesories | VivaMóvil by Jennifer Lopez & VerizonCases for iPhone, Galaxy, more Accesories | VivaMóvil by Jennifer Lopez & Verizon





Written by
Dr Paul Marsden
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Digital wellbeing covers the latest scientific research on the impact of digital technology on human wellbeing. Curated by psychologist Dr. Paul Marsden (@marsattacks). Sponsored by WPP agency SYZYGY.