If you have an iPhone, you’ll notice that some of the photos it takes have a little watermark in the top left-hand corner. This indicates they are ‘live-photos’ placed in a hyper-short video sandwich (1.5 secs before and after the photo) to help bring the photos to life.
Could marketing tech take a leaf from Apple’s tree and add an ‘AI-Trustmark’ to display ads that have been optimised, versioned, placed or generated using artificial intelligence?
An AI-Trustmark/watermark could help improve advertising transparency at a glance, by helping audiences become more aware of the techniques being used to market to them.
Same goes for chatbots; a simple AI-Trustmark could alert people to the fact that they are interacting with an AI agent as opposed to a human agent.
If the AI-Trustmark included a simple hyperlink, then this could alsoallow audiences to know more about the algorithms used to generate and place the ad or recommendation.

Of course, this is not a full solution to the issues surrounding AI in marketing, but using an AI Trustmark might help foster trust in a marketing system suffering from an unprecedented trust-deficit.