digitalwellbeing.orgHow to thrive in our hyper-connected world

Directory of A.I. marketing technology solutions

Here’s a directory of leading A.I. marketing technology solutions that are available to help you make your marketing automation smarter or help you make smarter marketing decisions.

We’ve put together this list as part of the forthcoming SYZYGY digital insight report on A.I. in marketing. The list is incomplete as the field is evolving so fast and the 3-4 word summaries – stripped of techno-babble – are partial (see Mike Kaput and Paul Roetzer’s most-excellent blog for coverage of this space – and for additions or amends contact me via contact form below).  it should give you a flavour of how you A.I. technology might improve your marketing efficiency or effectiveness.


Written by
Dr Paul Marsden
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    • Paul, thank you for such a useful article!

      I also want to recommend an AI tool for digital marketing – Labrika. Their Interactive Content Optimizer bases its easy-to-action keyword optimization recommendations solely on the content that is ranking in the top10 SERP results for each of your keywords.

  • According to the Published Global Market’s Global Commercial And Industrial Robotics Market Insights (forecast to 2025), sales of commercial robots are growing at a record pace. Moreover, such popularity is observed in the following segments: trade, hospitality, healthcare, agriculture, warehouses, manufacturing, transport, security, mobile services, applications for collecting and processing data, as well as virtual assistants and specialized platforms. In a broader sense, robotic machines are not humanoid robots that help sell. More often than not, it is a set of modern technological solutions, for example, digital marketing techniques, that help marketers complete a huge segment of work faster.

  • Business is forced to respond to changing consumer preferences and trends in the advertising world. To do this successfully, you need high-quality analytics of advertising campaigns and the use of modern online marketing tools.

  • Great list of AI tools! For those focusing on streamlining workflows, tools like Kopyst can simplify process documentation with AI-powered step-by-step guides. It’s a game-changer for internal efficiency!

Digital wellbeing covers the latest scientific research on the impact of digital technology on human wellbeing. Curated by psychologist Dr. Paul Marsden (@marsattacks). Sponsored by WPP agency SYZYGY.